Protective masks are an indispensable part of our time, but do your customers also need them when using your product? How much dust does it produce? We can answer these questions with a fairly simple test that can be carried out at BioGenius.
To do this, we mechanically drop your product from a height of about 75 cm. We are often talking about granules here, which may disintegrate on impact and thus release dust.
With the following impact, the dust of the product is thus whirled up. A light beam is weakened by the whirled-up dust and depending on the intensity of the light beam, the amount of dust can be determined.
Bei dem folgenden Aufschlag wird somit der Staub des Produktes aufgewirbelt. Durch den aufgewirbelten Staub wird ein Lichtstrahl abgeschwächt und je nach Intensität des Lichtstrahls kann die Staubmenge bestimmt werden.
more information
Measuring device for measuring the dust count